By Technical 2014-02-24 2498
ONVIF introduction
Standardization of communication between network video devices
Interoperability between network video products
ONVIF utilizes IT industry technologies including SOAP, RTP, and Motion JPEG, MPEG-4, and H.264 video codecs. Later releases of the ONVIF specification (version 2.0) also covers storage and additional aspects of analytics.
Building on ONVIF Specifications, ONVIF Profiles are collections specifications that guarantee the interoperability of specific features between conformant devices.

Profile 1  - Addresses common functionalities of IP video systems, such as video and audio streaming, PTZ controls, and relay activation.

Profile 2  - Addresses common functionalities of IP access control systems, such as door state and control, credential management, and event handling.
Profile 3 - Addresses video storage, recording, search, and retrieval.
Profile 4  (Release Candidate) - Addresses device discovery and configuration, as well as the management of TLS certificates and keys.